#MYUTA Social Media Campaign
The objectives for the campaign ranged from increasing followers, informing students on what’s going on with the cancellation of classes and the closing of campus when the ice storm took place.
Our target audience was mainly students and student organizations at UTA because they are the most active social media users on our campus. We used strategies such as tagging, sharing and inviting people to follow the pages.
Content varied for each platform. However, photos and graphics were utilized for a majority of the posts. We each made our own statuses and announcements for written content. Pre-made graphics for existing events were used and photos taken by the group were featured for engagement. Overall, the content was made to help bring a personality to UTA Social and bring attention to the pages by featuring students at UTA.
Our purpose was to inform the students by using entertaining content. This provides a purpose for the page and also keeps it interesting. We created the #MyUTA campaign to help us create standing pieces of content each day and help us identify our brand.